Posts Tagged ‘coffs’
Torpedoes: 5 – 9yrs – Coffs Harbour
Full term costs $150. The Torpedoes program is designed to develop Loco Motor Skills and develop an understanding of technical stroke production and fundamental court awareness. The lesson is 30 minutes in duration and it is recommended once or twice a week.
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Full term costs $150. The Torpedoes program is designed to develop Loco Motor Skills and develop an understanding of technical stroke production and fundamental court awareness. The lesson is 30 minutes in duration and it is recommended once or twice a week.
Read MoreTransformers 7-12yrs & Tacticians 11-16yrs Coffs Harbour
TIEBREAK TRANSFORMERS: 7 – 12yrs (Orange / Green Ball Stage) The Transformers program is the next progression and step up from the previous program and incorporates a more detailed technical stroke production and fundament tactical development and court awareness. Players also learn how to play matches and score them as well. The lesson is 90…
Read MoreTorpedoes: 5 – 9yrs – Coffs Harbour
This class runs every tuesday each term. Full term costs $150. The Torpedoes program is designed to develop Loco Motor Skills and develop an understanding of technical stroke production and fundamental court awareness. The lesson is 30 minutes in duration and it is recommended once or twice a week.
Read MoreTransformers 7-12yrs & Tacticians 11-16yrs Coffs Harbour
TIEBREAK TRANSFORMERS: 7 – 12yrs (Orange / Green Ball Stage) The Transformers program is the next progression and step up from the previous program and incorporates a more detailed technical stroke production and fundament tactical development and court awareness. Players also learn how to play matches and score them as well. The lesson is 90…
Read MoreTorpedoes: 5 – 9yrs – Coffs Harbour
This class runs every monday each term. Full term costs $150. The Torpedoes program is designed to develop Loco Motor Skills and develop an understanding of technical stroke production and fundamental court awareness. The lesson is 30 minutes in duration and it is recommended once or twice a week.
Read MoreTacticians 11-16yrs Coffs Harbour
TIEBREAK TACTICIANS: 11 – 16 yrs (Green / Yellow Ball Stage) The Tacticians Program is a program for those players who want to continue to progress and improve their tennis. The program focuses on Advanced Technical Stroke Production and fundamental tactical development so that they players are ready for tournaments and other competitions. After…
Read MoreTransformers: 7-12yrs Coffs Harbour
TIEBREAK TRANSFORMERS: 7 – 12yrs (Orange / Green Ball Stage) The Transformers program is the next progression and step up from the previous program and incorporates a more detailed technical stroke production and fundament tactical development and court awareness. Players also learn how to play matches and score them as well. The lesson is 90…
Read MoreFast Four Friday Competition
FRIDAY NIGHT JUNIOR COMPETITION: The Friday Night Junior Comp is a great way to play tennis and meet new friends. It is also a great way to be able to put your knowledge and skills that you learn in your lesson into practise on the tennis court in real match play. The comp runs from…
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